I Love Palm Beach
I Love Palm Beach
Why Belize is Becoming the Country of Choice for Floridians Vacation Home Purchases
Meet Wayne Robbins dual resident of Jupiter Florida and Belize. Wayne specializes in helping people find their dream property in central America. His customers are buying second homes, vacation rentals, and even entire Islands. Belize was once under British rule and have adopted many customs and laws that make this country a safe place to invest. It is natural destination for Florida residents as its 1 hour and 40 minute plane ride from South Florida, an English speaking country, and an investor friendly nation. The US dollar is welcomed everywhere too so no need to exchange money. And beside that title work on property transfers is handled just like the US with property taxes at a fraction of the cost in the US and other Island nations.
If you are looking for the quiet luxury of the Placencia region, or the bustle of expat Ambergris Caye, or even a mountain retreat Wayne is the go to to help locate a unique investment.
To Learn more about Belize Contact Wayne: gowayno2@gmail.com/